April 25 2015
I place this fine class of Holstein cows D B A C. I started the class with a handy winner in D, who goes to the top of the class for her overall dairyness and angularity throughout. She is sharper in her...
April 25 2015
B D C A is my placing for this class of Brown Swiss cows. With her angularity, style and balance from end to end, B sorts herself to the top of the class. B gets the nod over D because B is a much longer...
April 25 2015
April 2015 Hoard's Dairyman Bull List
Jan. 21 2015
2014 Webinars (Click on the webinar title to see the latest webinar) December 8: Winter strategies to enhance teat health and milk quality 2nd Place, AAEA webinar 2015 presented by Leo Timms, Iowa State...
Nov. 17 2014
This couple thought the magazine was a fitting prop for their wedding announcement. This love story may not have started in the Hoard's Dairyman, but the happy couple is no stranger to the magazine
Oct. 4 2014
Attendees at World Dairy Expo were asked dairy-related questions to determine if they were "smarter than a Hoard's Dairyman editor." Associate editor, Amanda Smith, took part in the fun activity on Friday...
Sept. 28 2014
Nearly 300 individuals converge on Fort Atkinson for judging practice. Nearly 300 attended the judging workout at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm on Sunday morning. Hoard's Dairyman magazine and farm staff prepared...
Sept. 9 2014
Aerial view of the farm today . . . The magazine's founder, W.D. Hoard, acquired the Hoard's Dairyman Farm in 1899. He purchased the farm to experiment with new ideas such as growing alfalfa and to try...
July 16 2014
The Commercial Herd Award recognizes the top herd in the nation for Energy Corrected Milk. The herd must complete over 50 lactations during the year. Hoard's Dairyman Farm completed 147 records in 2013...
June 26 2014
On Tuesday, June 24, a team of three American Guernsey Association personnel made a visit to the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to evaluate Rolling Prairie Bella Blue. The special trip occurred because Guernsey...
June 26 2014
On Tuesday, June 24, a team of three American Guernsey Association personnel made a visit to the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to evaluate Rolling Prairie Bella Blue. The special trip occurred because Guernsey...
April 25 2014
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January through March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
April 25 2014
D A C B is my placing in this fine class of 5-year-old Jersey cows. D sorts herself to the top because she has the best rear udder in the class. D uses that distinct edge in rear udder to place over A...
April 25 2014
I placed this class of Ayrshire aged cows D B A C. With her angularity and her stretch from end to end, D easily wins the class. For the top placing, D goes over B because D is sharper throughout. D is...
April 25 2014
I placed this class of Brown Swiss aged cows C A B D. C wins the class in a very close placing over A. It is C's overall dairyness, style, balance, and feet and legs that carry her to the top. C is a taller,...
April 25 2014
I placed this quality class of Guernsey cows D A C B. D easily starts the class with her long, deep and wide frame and quality mammary system. D places over A with a longer, more snugly-attached fore udder....
April 25 2014
I placed this lovely class of Holstein aged cows C D B A. I started the class with C as I feel she is the cow showing the fewest faults. She is a beautifully balanced dairy cow with great feet and legs...